Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Rain, Football, Strikes

Between all the rain and the running from one campus to the next, things couldn't get more involved. Teaching is a real balancing act. Throw in football practice until all hours--you are probably thinking, "Yeah, right!" Football practice in this monsoon. But, yes, we are. Now we don't have one of those fancy indoor practice complexes, so we make do. We have a little piece of ground right next to the bus barn that-get this--is on high ground. That's where we have been able to practice. We are a tough bunch. All in all,football has been going great. I have some great kids. I know that coaches sometimes get a bad rep, but they really work hard. After the kids leave at whatever time, then comes the getting ready for the next day which involves lots of planning and washing and whatever else needs to be done.

One of math teachers, who was also my high school math teacher, talked to me a couple of days ago about a couple of guys who were struggling. So, I am trying to motivate them to try a little harder in the classroom. I'm trying to get them take part in before school tutoring. Coaches coach on and off the field. I glad to have this job.

Now, to a down side. In one of my elementary PE classes, I have had a discipline issue that I had to give the student a strike. The Strike is a little write-up that that the child has to take home and get signed and bring back the next day. Well, of course, the Strike hasn't been brought back. The next step is call the parent. Several teachers told me, "Good luck." Evidently, they have never been able to contact the parent. I have made three phone calls. No results. Now, I am trying to come up strategies that will motivate the student to particpate without having to resort the next step--the office.

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